Tuesday, September 18, 2012

IUI #1 is in the books.


Yesterday was DH’s 31st birthday.  Sadly it fell on a Monday, but we made the most of it by going out to dinner last night.  I had a nice glass of Malbec that I am going to try to make my last alcohol for the next 2 weeks.  I know a lot of people on The Bump are of the “drink till its pink” mantra but since I haven’t had many 2 week waits that I actually thought I had a chance so I haven’t had to abstain all that much.  Perhaps if I am at this still in a couple more months I may get over it and drink till its pink too. Right now I am feeling like I can definitely hold out. I also decreased my caffeine intake down from a medium iced coffee a day to ½ of a keurig cup.  It is nice just to have those few sips of coffee still – I will try to phase it out anyway. 

So this morning DH and I headed to the RE and at 8:30 DH “did his deed” so to speak and then we hung out in the waiting room for about 45 minutes then they called us back to a room. DH’s stats came back good – 49% motility 168 million count (I am assuming that is post wash) and they said I had 2-3 mature follicles based on my last u/s on Saturday.  I am hoping the combo of all these good stats will give us an edge – also had my HSG back in July so I am hoping things are still cleared out down there. 

The IUI procedure was pretty quick – it was nice having DH there for it and it was good for him to hear his stats too, but in the future if he needs to head to work after his part, I think I would be ok with that.  I think he may want to stick around for the “conception” part of it though – I don’t think he likes the idea of not being present for that.  It felt slightly uncomfortable when the nurse practitioner put in the catheter – I could feel it inside, but nothing too bad.  I felt some pressure when she pushed in the sample, but not nearly as bad as the HSG.  After that the NP set the “sperm timer” (the timer actually has a little sperm that ticks away) and we hung out hips raised for 15 minutes then went on our merry way to work. 

I am hoping that the significance of this week will have some sort of cosmic impact on our chances this month being as yesterday was DH’s birthday, our anniversary is tomorrow and my birthday is Saturday – it would make for a perfect conception week!  Beta day is October 2nd which is nice because it is a Tuesday and DH usually works from the same office as me on Tuesdays.  I went to Target this week and purchased my first baby item.  I got tiny little sneakers that I want to use to tell DH when we get a positive beta.  We are both runners so it will be fun to put the two tiny shoes into his hands.  I have played this scenario out in my mind about 100 times and I just hope I haven’t jinxed myself by purchasing them.  

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