Sunday, September 16, 2012

Finally in the Game


I went in for b/w and u/s yesterday morning and while I was having the u/s I asked the tech if she saw any growth from last time (there was 1 almost 10 mm and several smaller ones on Wednesday).  She said "yup they are growing in there" and said my biggest one looked 15.8mm.  I was definitely relieved to hear that my follicles had grown! 

When the nurse called me a little after noon she left a nice long voice mail with b/w and instructions.  Here is a summary of my stats:

Estradiol = 507
LH = 7.38
Lining = 8 mm

Left Ovary


She told me to take the trigger the next night (sunday) between 9-10 pm and then come in Tuesday morning for IUI #1.  It looks like from the stats above that my 15.8 is the front runner.  I guess the idea is to trigger when 1 or 2 follicles are big enough to release but not all of the smaller ones (so you wouldn't want to wait too long) or else my smaller ones might be big enough to release and then we could get into a too many babies situation.  

I can't tell you how excited this news is for us.  Not only will this be my first "real" shot at getting pregnant since I haven't ovulated in ummm maybe 10+ years, but it also fell on the day of my cousin's baby shower.  

I am close to my 2 girl cousins and they are both currently pregnant - so you can imagine that there is much talk of babies when the family gets together.  Obviously at a baby shower there was a ton of babies talk (not to mention there were 6 kids under the age of 2 at the shower).  So if I hadn't gotten news that this cycle was working it would have been really tough to listen to pregnancy/baby stuff all day long knowing that I would have to wait at least a month (if not 2) to have another shot.  

I am honestly not nervous about giving myself the trigger shot tonight - everyone says the needle is so small it doesn't hurt anyway plus I am sort of excited to use it (as weird as that sounds).  Here the is sucker:

I am interested in seeing if I get any side effects from the trigger.  I haven't really experienced any bad side effects from the 150 mg of clomid, surprisingly.  I think I felt more side effects when I took the 50 and 100 mg doses.  I only really get cramps when I run - and that doesn't start until maybe day 10 of my cycle - and may just be the follicles growing than the clomid.  

I have pretty much decided not to test out my trigger...or so I say now.  I don't have that many HPT's and I don't really feel like buying a bunch more.  I may test sporadically at some points like day 5 past O and maybe a little after that.  But I really want to try to wait because my biggest fear is getting a false positive from the left over trigger and thinking it is real.  That would be a worse disappointment than getting a no from the beta.  

Come to think of it I am not sure if they do betas or tell you to take a HPT at a certain day.  I assume they will tell me at the IUI.  

Wow nice long post today!  I will try to update on how the trigger shot went when I blog tomorrow.  


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