Monday, September 17, 2012



Last night’s trigger shot went really well.  I psyched myself up for it and it was a little rough actually poking the needle in (I had to say to myself out loud “Caity just freakin do it!”) but I can honestly say the needle didn’t hurt at all.  It didn’t even hurt when I pushed in the medication either.  The site didn’t really bleed or anything and was just slightly sore after I was done for the next 30 minutes. 

This morning I did some light weight lifting and some squats.  Then I took Winnie for a walk and I did feel some cramping.  I am not sure if it was due to the trigger or just my growing follicles, but it went away after maybe 25 minutes for the most part. 

I am wondering how the timing is supposed to work – I guess the actual ovulation is supposed to line up with the timing for my IUI so hopefully I will ovulate tomorrow morning.  I took an OPK this morning and the test line was really dark – definitely darker than I have ever seen it so that must be due to the trigger shot because I took on the night before and it wasn’t dark at all.  I am going to do my best and not test until my beta day – hopefully I can just put it out of my mind until then – but I am sure some “phantom symptoms” will pop up!

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