Thursday, October 25, 2012

Starting to get nervous about this cycle


Usually the week after my IUI I am pretty positive.  Now that we are 7 days past IUI I am starting to get the “this probably didn’t work” feeling.  Part of it is because my temp dipped today…not below the coverline but it makes my chart look a little wonky and not like a typical “I am a normal ovulating person.”  I am sort of hoping it is the elusive “implantation dip” that we have all heard of but probably never actually seen. 

The other reason I am beginning to doubt this cycle is because I am starting to feel a slight amount of cramping.  This happened last month too – I got crampy like 7-10 days before the red she devil showed up.  Other than that I don’t have anything going on AF or otherwise symptoms. 

My friend email chain has definitely turned into a baby discussion zone with 2 of my friends now pregnant.  The discussion now is what gender they will have.  Oh please let me be pregnant this cycle so I don’t despise talk of babies from others! 

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