Tuesday, October 2, 2012



Just got the call from my RE’s nurse.  When my phone started vibrating I immediately got a rush of heat run through my body.  I didn’t answer it – let it go to voicemail so I didn’t have to talk to her at work.  I just kept thinking to myself “this could be a really really awesome voicemail, or a really really bad one.”  She said my HCG was 1.02 and anything less than 1 is negative – so it is most likely a “false positive.” She also said I should be getting my period soon because my progesterone was dropping.  I hope she is right that the red she devil will be here soon so we can start a new cycle.  She said the new cycle will be the same as the last cycle – 150 mg Clomid plus trigger. 

I can’t say I am all that surprised.  I have been having cramps like AF is coming for a few days now, some lower back pain and some boob tingles/pain – all indicators of AF.  I just had this perfect vision in my head of “if we get pregnant this cycle then we can tell his parents when we visit at Thanksgiving and then I will have the baby in June and have the whole summer off.  It is hard to readjust expectations.  This also means I won’t be pregnant when my cousin gives birth or at my other cousin’s gender reveal party so most likely my sourpussness will be around.  I was just hoping I could be there with an authentic smile on my face knowing that I had a baby growing inside of me too. 

Now I just have to hope that I don’t have large cysts growing in my ovaries.  I have been having a little ovary pain recently and I don’t want the double whammy of a BFN and being benched for a month. 

Ok I guess I should follow all this wallowing with what I am thankful for.  I am thankful that finally I have ovulated this month.  Once AF comes I will post last month’s FF graph versus this month and you will see the progress for sure.  

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