Friday, October 5, 2012

Meds are here!


The red she devil is in full force now.  Fortunately I am not too crampy, but I can definitely tell she is there from some bloat. 

I am doing pretty good mentally right now.  Sure Tuesday was tough with the BFN, but getting AF so quickly has allowed me to bounce back.  I got my meds in the mail so we are ready to jump into the next cycle once I get cleared at tomorrow’s bw and us.  I am crossing my fingers for no cysts because if we get benched my “pretty good” mental state will be a thing of the past. 

Here is a picture of my meds for IUI#2.  I have seen pictures of people’s IVF meds lined up and my meds pale in comparison.  IVF meds are no joke. 

DH and I were saying last night how we are both sort of hoping we get pregnant with twins – for a couple reasons:
1) instant family
2) We won’t necessarily have to go through all this IF stuff again (as long as we don’t want a third)
3) We deserve 2 since we have to go through all this crap
4) IF seems to strip a lot of the fun of getting pregnant away – and getting the news of having twins might bring some surprise to it

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