Friday, February 15, 2013

Babies babies everywhere and not a drop to drink

CD23, 11dpt/9dpIUI

Ok so the good news is that I don’t feel quite as crampy today at CD23 as I have on previous CD23s, so let’s hope the progesterone is working!  DH keeps saying that he has “good feelings” about this cycle, but I have been burned so many times in the past that the doubt keeps creeping in all the time.  I fear this cycle will hit me hard if it is negative. 

Yesterday I overheard my coworker who sits in the next cubicle tell another coworker that his wife is expecting.  They already have 2 year old twins (not from IF).  I am happy for them, they are both great people, but the thought of all the coworkers that will be stopping by and saying “wow 3 kids under 3 how will you manage, blah blah blah” makes me vomit a little in my mouth.  Part of me thought “how come they are so lucky to be blessed with so many children already when we have so much trouble getting 1?”  I know that way of thinking is both unfair to them and unhelpful to me, but that is what goes on in the IF mind. 

Then last night I saw a friend posted a baby announcement and a u/s picture.  I am not close with this person and I heard a while back they were having trouble, so it makes me feel a little better, but this slew of baby announcements seemed to hit me hard. 
 #relationship #quotes

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are not cramping! Sorry about having to hear about your co-worker's kids. I understand what you mean though. For some reason I am happy when those who had trouble TTC get KU, but those who just had an "uh-oh" or are not ready for a baby get KU I get angry. It's probably not healthy, but it's how I feel. FX for you this cycle!!!
