Friday, December 21, 2012

IUI #3 is a BFN

CD27, 13dpiui

So I just got the call from the RE, negative again this month.  No Christmas miracle baby I am afraid.  With the cramping I have had the last few days I pretty much knew I was out, but I always had a glimmer of home.  Well that glimmer has clearly gone away now and all that is left is me feeling like the shell of the person I used to be sitting in my cubicle tearing up. 

Ok let’s have a little pity party before we pick ourselves up and dust ourselves up, shall we?  I need to figure out how I am going to make it through the holiday party we are hosting tomorrow night for our friends.  Two of my friends are 5 months pregnant so I am sure that will be dominating a lot of the conversation.  I will just have to excuse myself from these conversations saying I have to do stuff for the party.  I also have to make it through my family party next weekend with my cousin’s newborn and my other cousin’s pregnancy.  I always said that if we ever had to move to more serious treatments then I would tell my extended family (these cousins are like my sisters), and part of me just wants to tell them the truth when they ask how my Christmas was.  Not sure if a family Christmas party is the best place to bring up our baby making woes, but oh well.

I made a WTF appointment with the RE the first week in January, so we will see what comes of that. 

Ok enough pity party, now for the good things:
  •   I can now drink my face off at our party tomorrow night and over the holidays
  •  We will most likely be able to go on our ski trip to Colorado in early February
  •    I can do some craft projects I was avoiding due to the chemicals involved with them

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