Saturday, December 8, 2012

Almost like a normal person


I was looking at my E2, and FSH numbers and the fact that today is CD14 when I am supposed to be ovulating and thought to myself "wow these numbers are all like what a normal fertile persons would be." Ha, sadly the whole clomid, trigger, IUI things makes it slightly less normal but oh well if we get pregnant this cycle then it won't matter!

Went in for IUI #3 this morning.  DH went at 9 am and I took Winnie for a walk around the area then hung out in the car with her because it started to rain pretty hard. 

Then I went in for my 10 am appointment.  DH's numbers looked great - 177 million total sperm and 122 million motile with 56% motility.  He was hoping to get over 200 million total sperm like last time but since we "spent some time together" the night of the trigger it makes sense his numbers weren't as high. 

The nurse tried using a smaller speculum at first but then had to switch to a bigger one because my cervix was too far away.  Once she got the bigger one it was smooth sailing - in goes DH's seed with some slight cramping, but nothing major.  Hung our for our 15 minutes with my hips up while DH researched vacation homes in VT (imaginary vacation homes that is). 

I try not to get too hopeful, but I am thinking with 2 mature follicles and 122 million sperm that we have a pretty good shot.  Only time will tell. 

After the IUI we went to our favorite Italian grocery store that we don't get to go to often because it is far from our house (but closer to RE).  We got some awesome stuff - yummy fruits and veggies, pumpkin bread, mushroom ravioli and the best part was a Christmas Tree and wreath!  More pictures to follow once we get it off our car and set it up.

My favorite spot in the house - our gas fireplace with our stocking holders "WISH" oh yeah you got that right!  

 This is our house all decorated for the holidays!  It looks better at night with the lights on but you can see our deer hanging out in the front.
 Tree still on top of our car.

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