It is a good thing it only takes 1 because that is all I got this month! I had my CD12 monitoring appointment today and I had 1 x 17 mm follicle on my right side. My estrogen level was 478 and the nurse said that was very good so there may be another follicle hiding, but they didn't measure any other ones above 8 mm. My lining was a bit thin, 5.3, so they are having me trigger tomorrow night instead of tonight to give it some time, but I am not sure how much it will grow in the next few days.
I am wondering if instead of doing clomid + injectibles next month I should go straight injectibles in case that would help my lining. I will have to ask the nurse if my beta comes back negative.
I was a little disappointed by the ultrasound today, but seeing as I didn't even think we were going to cycle this month, anything is better than nothing!
You could also ask about switching to Femara, that doesn't thin the lining like Clomid can, and it's way cheaper than straight injects. Good luck!