This award is
given to new or up-and coming-bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
The award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category
to help spread the word and support one another. What a fun way to get
to know other bloggers!
If you receive a nomination, there are a few rules to follow:
1) Each blogger nominated must post 11 things about themselves.
2) Then answer the 11 questions the tagger has asked.
3) Blogger must then create 11 questions of their own to ask the bloggers they decide to nominate.
4) They must choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate and link them on their blog post.
5) Bloggers must be notified of their award!
6) No tag backs!
Okay, 11 things about me:
1.DH and I have been together for almost 12 years
2. I have red hair
3. I prefer Starbucks for my iced coffee and Dunkin Donuts for my hot coffee
4. If I didn't become an accountant I would have gone into an animal related field...I wonder if there is still time.
5. I have run 3 half marathons
6. Tuscany is my favorite place in the world
7. I love to sing show tunes in my car on the way to work
8. I LOVE to bake things I see on pinterest...I am kind of addicted to Pinterest in general
9. When I was younger I had a thing for squeezing out tubes of things that I really shouldn't (a la Ramona Quimby style).
10. I am convinced that our first child will be a boy - because I have had 7 pets and they all go boy, girl, boy, girl and a boy is up next! (unless we get a boy animal in the mean time)
11. I had another blog before this one about trying to "socialize" my dog with my rabbit...the blog was short lived because they really didn't get along.
Here are the questions for me from Mely1. Are you a dog or a cat person (or neither)? Dog person all the way!
2. What is your New Year's resolution? Take it easy on myself and don't beat myself up for the feelings I have related to IF.
What are 3 items you can't live without? My running sneakers, iPhone and British movies from the 1800's4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Tuscany5. What is a pet peeve of yours? People who do too much self promoting on facebook6.
What Disney character can you most relate to? Ariel! I have always related to her because of our shared hair color!7. If you had to do karaoke, what song would you sing? Tom Jones "It's not unusual"8.
What is one of your guilty pleasures? Turning the gas fireplace on in the office and closing the doors so it gets steamy hot in there!
9. iPhone, Android, or Windows phone? iPhone 10. What was your favorite Halloween costume? When I was younger I wore a flower girl dress from a wedding I was in and went as little bo peep11. What is your earliest childhood memory? Climbing trees in my back yard
Most blogs I follow have already been nominated, but here are the few left that I *think* haven't been nominated yet:
And here are the 11 questions for my nominees:
1. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
2. How often do you post status updates on Facebook?
3. If you could change your occupation what would you do instead?
4. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
5. What toppings do you put on your pizza?
6. Have you ever broken any bones?
7. Signature dish you like to make?
8. Favorite sugary cereal?
9. Favorite season?
10. Other than you DH who would you take on vacation?
11. Favorite clothing store?