Wednesday, August 22, 2012

To tell or not to tell?

So far in our TTC journey we have only told a very small group of people that 1) we are actually TTC and 2) we are having trouble and seeing an RE.  This list includes my mother, sister-in-law and brother. 

I am a pretty private person to begin with – I occasionally post pictures, etc on facebook but it is mostly pictures of our dog or a picture of vacation, etc, but I am not a big sharer –especially when the info is very personal. 

Recently I have been thinking about letting other people know about our TTC challenges – not sure why I have the desire to tell people – maybe so they understand what I am going through or so they understand why I am sensitive to the “when are you having kids” question.  I am sure people are starting to wonder why we haven’t had kids yet – we have been married for nearly 3 years, are almost 31, have a house, dog, savings, etc .  So it seems like everything is prepped for kids…just no kids.

I have heard from others on the Trouble TTC board that once they told coworkers/friends/family that they started to get more questions and comments like “it will happen when it is supposed to happen” or advice, etc. 

I think another reason I haven’t told people is because I don’t want the looks of pity “poor Caity she can’t have kids”

If anyone else is facing this – what did you do?  Did you tell others?  What was the impact of that?

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