Monday, November 25, 2013

39 Week Update **This will be the last update**

So this will be the last update because I am being induced tomorrow!  At my OB appointment on Friday the doctor said that while Lucky's movement and heart rate looked good, she still measured under the 10th percentile of weight at my ultrasound on Tuesday, so she wanted to induce me once I was past 39 weeks. 

Since my OB is on call on Tuesday, tomorrow is the day! When my OB told me they were going to induce me I was a bit disappointed because I really wanted the chance to go into labor on my own.  But once she explained that this way is better for the baby, that was it - whatever is best for the baby is what we will do!  She checked me and said that my cervix is closed.  I was hoping maybe I started to dilate at least a little on my own, but no such luck.  I am thinking it may be a long induction since I am not dilated and the baby hasn't dropped yet.  It is a little weird knowing ahead of time when you will go to the hospital to have your baby instead of waiting for labor to start, but I guess since I am a planner that this way is good too.  

I was hoping to have a few more days of not working before giving birth, but at least this way I will get to spend more of my maternity leave with her rather than waiting for her to come out. I am a little nervous about her being small, but at least the ultrasound last week showed she was over 5lbs already, so even though that is small, it is still a good size.  And hopefully she has gained even more weight over this past week. 

So Brian and I have told our siblings and parents about the induction and I called my cousin because she had an induction with her baby and I wanted to ask her some questions about it.  Other than that we are keeping it mum until the baby is here.  I guess we don't like the idea of a lot of people knowing that we are heading into the hospital for the induction - it seems like a lot of pressure already, and we don't want a lot of people wondering how things are going throughout the day - better to just let them know when it is all done! Plus I have some family members who are serial Facebook posters, and what I REALLY don't want is them posting something on Facebook about the induction, or waiting for Lucky to be born or anything like that! 

Brian's parents will drive up from PA on Tuesday and stay at a hotel room near the hospital. Hopefully the baby is born on Tuesday at some point and they can come see her then, and then stop by again on Wednesday before they head home for Thanksgiving.  

Brian and I spent some time getting things ready this weekend - we bought some dinners that can be reheated and froze them and he did another leave pick up in the yard.  On Saturday night we went out to a nice dinner in Boston and then yesterday we went to see the Hunger Games movie (which was awesome by the way).  I was very glad we got a chance to get these two things in before the baby comes! I am spending today do some other errands, etc.
Ok so that was pretty much big news!  Now on to the picture!
How Far Along: 39 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 18 lbs overall based on my OB appointment on Friday.  Which is exactly how much my mom gained with my older brother - so maybe not gaining all that much is genetic for us given we aren't very big people to begin with.
Maternity Clothes: Yes. I am wondering how long I will be in them after I deliver.  I am sort of sad to have to go back to zippers eventually!  Stretchy pants are so comfortable!
 Stretch Marks: Nope. I have heard some women get them on their breasts once the milk comes in, so I will be on the look out for stretch marks there.
Sleep: The last two nights have been awesome, surprisingly!  Friday night I barely slept because of the news of the induction, but for some reason I have been able to sleep without getting up to pee or go down to watch tv/eat fruit loops for the past 2 nights.  I really hope tonight is the same, because I could sure use the rest before the induction!
 Best Moment This Week: Finding out that Lucky will be here this week!  It feels incredibly surreal.  Brian and I were eating dinner in our dining room last night and he said " next week there will be a baby with us" crazy to think about.
 Miss Anything: Not really.  Although I am starting to think about some of the things I can do again once she is here - like have a full glass of wine and put on my shoes/socks without groaning!
Movement: She is still kicking away in there!  I have been more nervous lately when I sit still and don't immediately feel her kick, I guess it is because we are so close now that I am getting nervous about something happening to her right at the end.  Luckily she always manages to give me some good movement before I freak out too much.
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope.
Cravings: Nothing really - not very hungry at this point.  It looks like we are going to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving (or best case scenario getting out that day), but my sister in law promised to get us some turkey dinner, so even if we have it in the hospital with our new baby, it will sure be a Thanksgiving to remember!
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: No.  I was hoping there would be something at this point.  I was a little crampy last night but today, nothing. 
Symptoms: Some cramps last night.  Itchy belly.  At the OB on Friday my feet looked slightly swollen
Belly Button In or Out: Out. 
Wedding Rings On or Off: On, but tighter. 
Feeling: I think I pretty much covered this above, but overall I would say I am a ball of emotions: excited, nervous, a bit scared, and just don't know what to expect!
Exercise:  We took Winnie for a walk in the woods yesterday and it felt good to be out on a long walk. 
Looking Forward To: Meeting Lucky over the next few days!!

 Next Appointment: November 26th

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lucky Gets to Keep Baking

I had my MFM growth ultrasound at the hospital this morning.  Brian and I were pretty nervous about this one because they kept warning us to "bring our overnight bags" as Lucky's growth seemed to be decreasing from earlier ultrasounds. So we made sure to bring EVERYTHING we thought we may need: snacks, ipad, chargers, etc (I guess this was a good test run)

As the ultrasound tech was performing the ultrasound I could see that the measurements were coming in at GA (gestational age) = between 33-35 weeks (I am currently 38 weeks 2 days) so I didn't know what to expect when the doctor walked in. 

Luckily the MFM doctor said that Lucky is measuring 5 lbs 4 oz and has had some solid growth since our last growth ultrasound 2 weeks ago (when she was 4lbs 11 oz).  Her other measurements are still on track (heart rate, fluids, etc).  The doctor said we should continue with our schedule of Friday non stress tests with the regular OB and Tuesday MFM ultrasounds, but for the time being Lucky can stay in there and hopefully I will eventually go into labor on my own.  

So this was a great appointment and I am so thankful that she is growing on her own and can stay put.  

My coworker who is due December 4th texted me today to let me know that she is being induced this afternoon.  She has preeclampsia and a few other things going on and I pray everything goes smoothly for her.  I hope the process is over quickly and she is holder her LO in her arms soon.  

Monday, November 18, 2013

38 Week Update

I had a pumpkin this week!  

How Far Along: 38 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 17 lbs overall based on my OB appointment on Friday.  I was a little annoyed because my OB said “I didn’t realize you had only gained this little, you should be in the 25-35 lb range.”  I was like “um ok, I have only asked if my weight gain was fine at pretty much every appointment from months 6-8, but if you are just catching on now that I haven’t gained much, that is great.” She was telling me to get more calories in, and I have been trying, but my stomach is so squished right now there is not much room at all for extra food!
Maternity Clothes: Yes, and some non maternity yoga pants and sweaters.
 Stretch Marks: Nope. The skin on my belly is sort of translucent looking!
Sleep: Not terrible, but not great.  I slept from 10 pm to 5 am one night this week and it was awesome!  My body just seems to be used to the waking up in the middle of the night routine, which is great because I will be doing that a lot when the baby comes!
 Best Moment This Week: Getting great reports on Lucky from the MFM doctor on Tuesday and my OB on Friday.  Also getting the crib mattress in the mail and getting the swing set up.  Lucky’s room is officially DONE!
 Miss Anything: Not really.
Movement: I move around so much on the weekends that I need to consciously sit do kick counts some times to make sure she is doing well.  I love the big movements I get that make my belly bounce around.
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: When I try to cram too much in to my stomach.
Cravings: Still on my milk kick!  I had a chocolate milk shake from McDonalds on Friday and it was awesome!
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope. I keep waiting to see if I will get Braxton Hicks contractions, but so far nothing. 
Symptoms: Itchy belly, my socks make a significant indentation on my ankles that takes a while to go away.  I think I am more surprised at the symptoms that I seem to be missing out on during this pregnancy.  I have not had any of the following: (and once I type this I will probably get them all, ha!)
Morning sickness (I had some days of sour stomach, but never threw up)
Feet growth (they say people’s feet grow during pregnancy and may not decrease after the baby is born).
Back pain
I feel very glad that I haven’t had any of these things. 
Belly Button In or Out: Out, and visible if I wear certain shirts. 
Wedding Rings On or Off: On, but tighter. 
Feeling: Tomorrow is going to be a big day.  I have the MFM ultrasound at 8 am at the hospital, and based on Lucky’s growth they may 1) keep us there and induce 2) schedule and induction later in the week or 3) Say “she looks great” and let us go home.  I am really hoping for #3
Exercise:  I didn’t do any weights this week.  I am still walking Winnie twice a day and we took her for a nice long walk in the woods yesterday.  I also try to climb the 3 flights of stairs at work once or twice a day.
Looking Forward To: Last week of work this week!  Also hopefully hearing good things at the MFM appointment tomorrow, fingers crossed!

 Next Appointment: November 19th

Sunday, November 10, 2013

37 Week Update

Woohoo full term!  This is pretty much the last pregnancy milestone, I can't believe it!
How Far Along: 37 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: I was looking up around 15/16 lbs gained based on my weight at the OB this week.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, but I have been able to squeeze into some non maternity sweaters.
 Stretch Marks: Nope.
Sleep: I am hoping once work winds down my stress will decrease and my sleep will get better...but that is probably just wishful thinking. 
 Best Moment This Week: Putting the car seat in the car and assembling some other items like the pack n play!  I thought hitting full term would be the best moment of the week, but her size makes me nervous that she really isn't "full term" yet size wise.
 Miss Anything: Not really.
Movement: The afternoon and evening are filled with some nice big kicks each day!  I haven't felt any Braxton Hicks contractions yet, but I want to ask the OB what this are supposed to feel like, just in case I am getting them now and don't know it.
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Not really.
Cravings: Milk, apple cider and pumpkin bread - must be fall!
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: I find myself groaning more at night - like when I get up from the couch I let out a groan because I feel a lot bigger.
Belly Button In or Out: Pretty much out all the time now. 
Wedding Rings On or Off: On, but tighter.  And my socks leave a ring on my legs that lasts longer than normal, but no other swelling to speak of. 
Feeling: This week was tough.  If you read my other post from today you can see that the baby is measuring very small and the doctors have me coming in for more weekly monitoring.  I pray that everything goes ok and she is able to stay inside and grow for a few more weeks.  She is currently measuring 4lbs 11oz so I would like to see that pick up a bit.
Exercise:  I did weights and squats once this week, and I think I may stop that from here on out.  Even though the OB said it was find since I have been doing it right along, with all this measuring small stuff going on I just want to take it super easy. 
Looking Forward To: Having Brian go to the MFM ultrasound this week - I am nervous about it, but I am excited to have him see her since he hasn't been to an ultrasound in a while.
 Next Appointment: November 12th

Updates and IUGR

Before I get to this week's bump picture I wanted to do a post to update "my readers" in what has been going on this past week.  

I have pretty much "measured small" from the outside since they started measuring me with that handy tape measure thing.  I chalked this up to 1) my due date being off by a week 2) my husband and I not being very tall/big people so we would probably have a smaller baby and 3) I haven't gained too much weight over this pregnancy.  

My OB had me go for a couple of ultrasounds and the baby was measuring in the 30th percentile, so the doctors said "ok great she looks good."

Fast forward to this past week's OB appointment.  They measured me from the outside and found that my belly hadn't grown at all from the appointment 2 weeks ago so they had me do a non stress test to tracker Lucky's heart rate and movement.  They said all of that looked good, but they wanted me to get an ultrasound from an MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) doctor to see what they said. 

This past tuesday I had that ultrasound and the MFM doctor said baby was measuring below the 10th percentile.  This was pretty surprising to me because I had already had a couple of ultrasounds where they said she was in the 30th percentile, so what is going on in there?  Well unfortunately they can't figure that out because the cord blood flow is good, the amniotic fluids look good, basically everything looks good except for her weight - which they estimated to be at 4lbs 11oz.  

So my OB and MFM doctor decided they want to monitor me and Lucky pretty closely so now I go for NST's every Friday and ultrasounds every Tuesday.  They want to make sure all her "scores" stay high and that she is growing.  They said if her scores stay good, but her growth doesn't pick up then they will probably induce me at 39 weeks.   If any of the scores go downhill they will probably induce earlier.  And if the scores are good and her growth picks up then they will let her stay in. 

So right now I am just hoping she grows a bit more so she can keep baking for a few more weeks.  I just wish I knew why she isn't growing as much as they would like her to.  I always figured I would go a little beyond my due date, so I am surprised at the idea of her needing to come out earlier because of not growing as much inside of me as the doctors would like. I have to bring the overnight bag with me to all my appointments now in case anything with Lucky changes and they need to induce me or take her out quickly.  

Fingers crossed that she gets to stay inside until she is ready!  They now consider me "IUGR" Intra Uterine Growth Restricted because of Lucky's size

Sunday, November 3, 2013

36 Week Update

  It feels both strange and awesome to be able to say that I am 8 months pregnant.  I wouldn't necessarily say that the pregnancy has flown by or been slow, but it just feels to be 8 months pregnant!

How Far Along: 36 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: I didn't weigh myself this morning, but I am thinking I am hovering between 13-14 lbs gained.  I will have a better view at my OB appointment this week. Belly feels nice and big this week!
Maternity Clothes: You bet
 Stretch Marks: Nope.
Sleep: Sleep is really the only thing I can complain about, and for that I consider myself very fortunate! I am still in the "wake up in the middle of the night and go downstairs for an hour or so and eat a bowl of fruit loops" kick.
 Best Moment This Week: Having my cousins lend me their fisher price bouncer, swing and rock n play.  It feels really good to have these things put together and at the house, makes me feel more ready for Lucky to come.  Also Brian and I have nailed down both the first name and the middle name.  So unless we have some dramatic change of heart once we see her, we are set on a name!  (which will remain a secret until she is here, sorry!)
 Miss Anything: Not really.
Movement: Lots of awesome big movements.  And I think she has had hiccups a few times, because it feels like kicks that hit over and over again at the same quip - so I imagine those are what hiccups are like.
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: When I get up too early it sometimes makes me a bit queasy.
Cravings: Milk & cereal. I have been drinking a TON of milk lately!
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nothing that I can think of.
Symptoms: Itchy belly.  Twice this past week I woke up and noticed that my night shirt had a wet spot over my right breast - I think I may have leaked a bit of colostrum, which I guess isn't that uncommon this early on.  Makes me happy that the "girls" are getting ready to be up and running for breastfeeding. 
Belly Button In or Out: Pretty much out all the time now. 
Wedding Rings On or Off: On, but I have noticed it is getting tighter at certain times of the day and if I am in a hot room.  I am hoping to keep them on for the whole pregnancy, but not so sure now.  I have also noticed that my socks leave an indentation on my legs when I take them off and it lasts much longer than it used too, so perhaps ankle swelling isn't far away. 
Feeling: I feel like we are getting closer to her birth.  It felt so abstract for so long, but now that things are in place, and my belly is getting big - I feel like this is actually happening!  I love talking to Brian about what we expect to happen and wondering about what she will look like!
Exercise:  I think I only did weights/squats once this week, but i did spend a couple of hours outside raking up leaves, so that probably counts as a workout!  I rake and Brian rakes and picks up leaves and puts them into the bags (my bending over frequently days are over). 
Looking Forward To: Hitting full term next week!
 Next Appointment: November 5th