Monday, August 26, 2013

26 Week Update

Back in action with the chalkboard!  Wow 26 weeks, crazy. The 3rd trimester is right around the corner!

How Far Along: 26 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 7 lbs according to my home scale…I feel like it is more though due to vacation weight. Usually when I go on a week long vacation I am up a few pounds, but I guess the main difference here is that I wasn’t drinking on vacation – so maybe I escaped a few pounds there.
Maternity Clothes: Yes
 Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: The time change from Ireland to home has been tough – last 2 nights I have woken up at 1:30 am, then once each hour until I decide to get up at 5:30 am.  I hope things start to regulate soon because by 2pm I am a zombie.
Best Moment This Week: Coming home to see our dog Winnie.  Vacation was tons of fun, but I missed our furbaby a lot. We also finished painting the trim in the babies room so I was able to begin to move things back into that room.
 Miss Anything: not really
Movement: There was a big pick up in movement while we were on vacation.  Lucky wasn’t moving all day, but at certain points she was really shaking it in there.  There were a few kicks that I was like “ow” she is surely getting strong!
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope, although seeing an traditional Irish breakfast right now may make me vomit.
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope.  Last night I did have some cramps later in the day that I am not sure where they were coming from.  I am thinking it is because my body is out of whack from traveling and just needed some rest.
Symptoms: I definitely feel more pregnant when I sleep, when I roll from one side to the other I am more conscious of my belly.  I have been lucky with no heartburn or swelling so far.
Belly Button In or Out: In, but Brian says it is “getting bigger” not sure exactly what he means by that.
Wedding Rings On or Off: On 
Feeling: I was happy that we didn’t have any health issues while in Ireland.  I was pretty uncomfortable on the flights, but walking around all day while we were there was no problem. 
Exercise: We went for a short run once while in Ireland.  Other than that we walked around a lot during the day, so I feel like I got my fill of exercise.  I went for a run with Winnie on Sunday when we were  home and that went pretty well. 
Looking Forward To:  The crib coming this Friday!  The place we bought it from does delivery and set up in one so Brian is off the hook for crib assembly.  I am excited to see it set up in the room because then I can start to hang some decorations. 

Next Appointment: September 3rd

1 comment:

  1. Looking great! Lucky must have been moving a lot because she loved being in Ireland :-)
