Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Labor Planning

I am a planner.  Always have been.  I think it is the accountant in me!  So when I became pregnant (well not right after) I started to think about labor. 

 I am one of those people who wants to know everything about it instead of not knowing what to expect.  For me, I get more confidence from knowing what goes on.  The main problem I have found so far is that it seems so hard to get a good explanation or description of what labor pain is really like.  The books say it is different for everyone, but I just wish I could know how bad it will be. 

Right now I am reading a book I borrowed from the library called "Easy Labor" (sounds kind of silly doesn't it).  How can labor be "easy"?  

Well it doesn't exactly say that labor will be easy, but it covers all the possible ways to relieve labor pain - from epidurals all the way to non medicated techniques. I like how the book doesn't say "you should try to go med free or doctor's say you should get an epidural" rather it gives you options all the way from fully medicated to no medication.  I like how it lays out each possibility so that you are aware of what is available. 

I am interested to hear from other moms or pregnant women to see how they approached/are approaching labor.  I know things may not always go how we anticipate: you may have had every intention to go med free but then had to have an emergency c-section, or maybe had to be induced and the pitocin made your contractions far too painful to go med free. 

Right now I am in the learning phase regarding labor.  I am trying to gather all the stories, info that I can so that I feel I have many tools in my tool belt to face it head on!  

In the early stages of my "labor planning" I am hoping to go med free for as long as possible.  This may be a few centimeters, all the way, or none at all depending on how things go down.  I like the idea of being able to walk around and change positions during labor to hopefully help things progress.  I recently ordered this book that will hopefully give me some additional "tools."

If anyone has read it please let me know how you liked it! Or any other books you might suggest. 


  1. Labor and delivery is one of the most stressful things I have on my to research list! I feel the same as you that I want to go as long as possible without meds and hopefully do it completely med free. But I'm totally freaked out by the pain! I am for sure going to read the Bradley Method and hopefully the hubs will be good at coaching too.

  2. MH and I took the Bradley classes and one of our required books was Husband Coached Childbirth. We both really liked it and if you're planning a med-free birth, it's a really good choice. Other ones I liked were Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and Birthing From Within. All really good books on going natural. I would also look into some classes if that's what you're planning as well. Classes will give you really good relaxation tips and more information than the books can. Good luck with your reading! I still have about 4 books to read before he's here in 9.5 weeks!

    1. Thanks for the recommendations Lisa! I am so interested in hearing how the Bradley method works for you!
