Monday, August 12, 2013

24 Week Update

Woohoo Viability Week! Awesome milestone. 

Special Note: Next week Brian and I will be on our baby moon so expect at least a week delay before seeing the 25 and 26 week updates.  I will have to remember to take a bump picture on vacation.

How Far Along: 24 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 6 lbs according to my monthly OB visit
Maternity Clothes: Yes
 Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: I have been sleeping fine until about 4:30 am ever morning, then I get up to pee and most times I get back to sleep, but sometimes (like this morning) I have trouble getting back to sleep.
Best Moment This Week: Painting Lucky’s room and buying a crib!  It was the tax free holiday in MA this weekend so we took advantage of that by buying a crib. I am hoping to do a “Nursery” post this week to show you the progress!
 Miss Anything: not really
Movement: Movement has definitely picked up.  I feel her every day multiple times a day.  Some of the kicks catch me by surprise and kind of hurt!  The best way I can describe the feeling is that it is like your heart randomly beating a really big beat, and you have no control over when it happens.
Food Cravings: Ice cream & Lemonade!  It has been those two the whole time!
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope.
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Waking up to pee.  I have been lucky to not have any heartburn recently.  My Charlie horses seem to have gone away since I have made more of an effort to eat bananas like my OB suggested.  What else has a lot of potassium?  I only like bananas when they are at a specific point of ripeness – can’t be just yellow, they need some brown spots, but not too rotten. 
Belly Button In or Out: In 
Wedding Rings On or Off: On 
Feeling: Really great.  One of my friends asked me over the weekend if I like being pregnant.  And, well, yes I actually do!  Part of that is because I have been fortunate to have a very easy pregnancy so far with no sickness or complications and partly that is because I appreciate being pregnant so much. 
Exercise: Still trucking!  The weather has been awesome lately – in the morning it has been about 65 and low humidity.  I think I went on 3 runs this past week and did 2 days of weights/squats.
Looking Forward To: Baby moon next week! We are headed to my “homeland” for vacation – Ireland (it isn’t really my homeland, but I am of Irish decent, so it sort of is).  We booked this trip a while ago – thinking it would either be a baby moon or a “consolation” trip if IVF didn’t work out.  Fortunately, baby moon it is!  We are starting in Dublin then making our way to Kilkenny, Killarney, Dingle, Galway and then flying back out of Dublin.  We are renting a car so it will be nice to see the countryside and visit some castles.
Next Appointment: September 3rd


  1. Looking good as always! Your babymoon sounds amazing!! We go on ours in two weeks and I can't wait to get away. Enjoy it girl!

  2. You're adorable, Caity! Have a great trip!
