Monday, June 8, 2015

23 Weeks

How Far Along: I am so slow.  I am actually 23 weeks 6 days as I write this...for some reason I thought I posted a 23 week post already!
Total Weight Gain:  11 lbs overall
Symptoms:  Lots of kicking, very thirsty.  I drank some orange juice the other day and I wouldn't say it was heartburn, but it definitely didn't sit as easily as orange juice used to. 
Maternity Clothes? Absolutely. A friend of mine is getting married in late August when I will be 8 months pregnant and I recently have found the following website that is for borrowing maternity dresses! Now I can try a fancy maternity dress that I don't have to buy!
Cravings: I think I am going to remove this section because it is always the same!  Ice cream and lemonade!

I am at that stage of pregnancy that I like to call the "belly stare" stage.  This is the point where your belly has popped enough that people can't help but look at it when they talk to you.  I get it.  I like to see how pregnant women's bellies are coming along too, but it is awkward like a "staring at my boobs" sort of level sometimes.  But everybody loves a good baby belly, right?  The additional weird part is that my belly button has started to go outie, but like just the top part.  If I am wearing a tight enough shirt you can see it poking through.

I had my monthly OB/GYN appointment last week and things are looking good.  She even did the outside tape measurement thing for the first time this pregnancy and said I am measuring well too!  This was the test last time around that gave them a heads up that Ellie was measuring behind.  I do have to schedule my glucose test soon though, fun!   

This pregnancy has been flying by!  I can't believe there will be another baby here in a few months.  We have been so busy with the house addition that we forget about the new baby addition!  This is what our house/backyard currently looks like (luckily we are staying at my mom's during this).

The first one you can see that they chopped off a piece of our house (where the foundation used to be)
In this picture you can see the nice hole they dug that takes up most of our backyard.  This is the size of the addition.  It is fun to watch the progress, but it is going slower than I would like and the new end date is November 10th, and yup, that is right - I am due September 29th! Fun.  New baby will be chilling in the dinning room at my mom's house with Brian and I for her first few months, at least my mom will be there to help!


  1. I actually had a lady at church touch my stomach and oh my that felt so awkward!! I would never touch someones belly if they were pregnant...weird! haha

    1. It has got to be awkward if you don't know the person super well!

  2. Oh wow- new additions all over the place!! I feel like your pregnancy has flown by too!! Congrats on V-Day (I can't believe you're already past! Nuts)! So glad to see that things are going well!! Sending lots of love to you (and Ellie too!)

    1. PS- very cool about being able to rent a dress!

    2. Thanks Chickie! I just found out the wedding is also black tie so that throws even more of a wrench in the finding a dress plan!
