Friday, January 10, 2014

Bits and Pieces

I think from here on out I will probably do a monthly Ellie update and if I have anything else to note in between that I want to remember later then I will do a separate post.  

So here goes:

We had the best night's sleep so far last night - woohoo!  I went to bed at 9:30 pm and Brian fed Ellie and got her asleep in her rock n play about 10:15 pm.  This is one of his early nights since he has to get up at 5:30 am he only does 1 feeding.  So Ellie slept from 10:15 to 2:43 am that is a 4.5 hour stretch folks - longest yet!   She probably starting stirring around 2:20, but she didn't get to "get up now and feed me mom" status until 2:43 so that is how I will count it.  

I fed her then and put her back to sleep (this process took close to an hour because I had to change her diaper 3 or 4 times (it got fuzzy) because I changed it right when I got her up, then while I was feeding her I could tell she pooped.  Then right after I got her all changed and clothed she 1) spit up all over herself so I needed to change her clothes and 2) pooped again!  By this point she was pretty would up so I fed her a bit and rocked her.  She wasn't asleep at this point, but she was quiet so I was able to put her down and she fell asleep with minimal "squawking."  

Then she slept until 7 am!  So yes, that was a 4.5 hour stretch followed by a 3 hour stretch (counting from beginning of feeding to the next beginning of feeding - not actual sleep time).  But I will take it!  She has been doing better at night since she hit 5 weeks - she usually gives us at least one 3.5 hour stretch a night.  So this meant that Brian got to sleep from 10:30 pm to 5:30 am and I only had to get up once during the night!

6 Week Postpartum OB Visit
Had my OB appointment today with my normal OB doctor (although she didn't end up delivering Ellie) she covered:

Birth control: Ha, yup don't think I will need that, but you never know!  Since I am breastfeeding and have PCOS and don't get my period or ovulate on my own I doubt I will resume my cycle anytime soon. So she told us to use condoms but I think our birth control method will be infertility! and if we are blessed with another child by some weird cosmic shift, then we will be very excited/grateful.  I asked her when it would be safe for us to "try" for another and she said that in most cases she tells people not to have the kids closer than 1 year in age (no Irish twins allowed) but in our case of Ellie being so small she said having babies spaced 18 months out would be better (so my body has time to fully heal and better nourish another baby).  So all in all we won't be "trying" for another yet, but we won't necessarily be "not trying" either.  

Down there check:She checked me out down south and said we could resume sex and I could do whatever exercise I want.  I noticed I had some spotting on my underwear when I got home from her checking me so I will tell the hubby to "go slow" the first time back at it.  I am excited to start working out again.  We got a treadmill for the house and Brian has been using it and puts Ellie next to him while he runs - and the vibrations and noise put her right to sleep!

Placenta Pathology: After I delivered Ellie they sent my placenta to pathology to see if they could figure out any reason for her being so small.  For better or for worse there was nothing of note in the pathology report.  No calcification of the placenta or anything funky. They noted it was smaller than average, but so was Ellie so that is not unexpected.  I am going to assume since Ellie was healthy and the placenta was normal that I just have small babies!

While I was at the OB Ellie hung out with her Aunt Becca!  This was the first time I left her with someone other than my mom and the first time she had to be fed by someone other than Brian.  Things seemed to go well so maybe Brian and I will go on a date night or something soon!  It felt like a little "me date" going to the OB because I played the radio really loudly in the car and I got a milk shake on the way home - woohoo!  I am a cheap date I guess! 

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