Sunday, October 27, 2013

Nursery Update

The nursery is 95% complete at this point.  We only need to get the crib mattress and then it should be done!  

Here are some updated pictures!

Here is a good shot of most of the room! I love how bright and cheery it is. My cousin made us the quilt hanging on the side of the crib - it matches the colors of the room so wonderfully!

 Brian finished sanding and painting the bench white - he did an awesome job and now we have a toy chest.  The picture of the giraffes above is from the shower - every guest added their fingerprint to the giraffes to make the spots!
 Below is our rocker and the book container - I think I may need something bigger for books since this one has filled up pretty quickly. The rocker is from Jordan's furniture (massachusetts place), we found the book crate at HomeGoods and the giraffe picture on the wall is from
 Dresser is filled with clothes from my cousin!  On the dresser there is a picture of my mom holding me in the hospital - I am planning to give birth at the same hospital where I was born and I want to take a similar picture of me and my daughter!  The dresser is from Boston Interiors and the mirror is from West Elm. 

 You can see the quilt my cousin made as well as the etsy pictures on the wall and etsy giraffe decal.  The decal is from the shop JaneyMacWalls and the pictures are from the shop RizzleandRugee.  Both were great vendors and totally willing to change/adjust things to make it work for you!  The crib is the Torino design by Pali.  We also bought the toddler & full size bed expansion kits. 

 Winnie being a camera hog as always!  I have a feeling she is going to be hanging out in this room a lot once the baby is here!  The rug she is standing on is from West Elm. 
Our house was built in 1892, so closet space is a minimum! We are hoping to put in some more shelves in the closet to make the most of the space.  


  1. Aw everything looks beautiful!! I just love the colors you have chosen :)

  2. I LOVE the nursery! It looks amazing! You did a great job.

  3. I love it!! It is so fresh and pretty!!
