Monday, October 28, 2013

35 Week Update

I have reached the 35/35 milestone!  I think the only big milestone left is reaching full term at 37 weeks, woohoo!

How Far Along: 35 weeks/35 Days!
Total Weight Gain: 13 lbs.  I feel like the bump is looking really solid this week!
Maternity Clothes: You bet
 Stretch Marks: Nope, but I have noticed the skin over my belly is becoming very taught – not sure if this means stretch marks are around the corner!
Sleep: I had some really good nights sleep over the weekend, it was glorious.  Last night I, of course, started to stress about work and it wasn’t a good night’s sleep.
 Best Moment This Week: Seeing Lucky at my ultrasound and the OB saying she is still growing on track and all is looking good!  She looked to be about 4 lbs 6 oz last week!  Brian and I went to buy some additional baby items on Friday – car seat, etc, so it feels good to have those things at home!

 Miss Anything: I wouldn’t say I miss being able to put my shoes & sox on easily, but I do find I grunt a lot more when doing this task!

Movement: Big movements in the afternoon and evenings most days, Brian has been shocked at how big the movements are in there!
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Every now and then I feel like I have an upset tummy, but nothing major.  Still not interested in eating too much, but trying to make good choices with the foods that I get in.
Cravings: Milk – I have been drinking so much milk lately!
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope, I wonder if I will start to get Braxton Hicks soon, so far nothing. 
Symptoms: Itchy belly, restless legs.  I find I am not comfortable in any position for all that long.
Belly Button In or Out: I can see it poking through the tighter shirts that I wear now.
Wedding Rings On or Off: On
Feeling: I have been feeling really great since the growth ultrasound last week – I love seeing baby Lucky and hearing that she is growing and moving around as she should – it definitely puts my nerves at ease. 
Exercise:  I have started slacking on my weights and squats – I need to make sure I get them in 2 x’s per week!  But I still climb the stairs at work to get to the 4th floor, so that is good for the legs!  I was out raking a bit with Brian this weekend – so hopefully that counts as well! 
Looking Forward To: Getting some stuff off my plate at work!

 Next Appointment: November 5th

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Nursery Update

The nursery is 95% complete at this point.  We only need to get the crib mattress and then it should be done!  

Here are some updated pictures!

Here is a good shot of most of the room! I love how bright and cheery it is. My cousin made us the quilt hanging on the side of the crib - it matches the colors of the room so wonderfully!

 Brian finished sanding and painting the bench white - he did an awesome job and now we have a toy chest.  The picture of the giraffes above is from the shower - every guest added their fingerprint to the giraffes to make the spots!
 Below is our rocker and the book container - I think I may need something bigger for books since this one has filled up pretty quickly. The rocker is from Jordan's furniture (massachusetts place), we found the book crate at HomeGoods and the giraffe picture on the wall is from
 Dresser is filled with clothes from my cousin!  On the dresser there is a picture of my mom holding me in the hospital - I am planning to give birth at the same hospital where I was born and I want to take a similar picture of me and my daughter!  The dresser is from Boston Interiors and the mirror is from West Elm. 

 You can see the quilt my cousin made as well as the etsy pictures on the wall and etsy giraffe decal.  The decal is from the shop JaneyMacWalls and the pictures are from the shop RizzleandRugee.  Both were great vendors and totally willing to change/adjust things to make it work for you!  The crib is the Torino design by Pali.  We also bought the toddler & full size bed expansion kits. 

 Winnie being a camera hog as always!  I have a feeling she is going to be hanging out in this room a lot once the baby is here!  The rug she is standing on is from West Elm. 
Our house was built in 1892, so closet space is a minimum! We are hoping to put in some more shelves in the closet to make the most of the space.  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

All Good in the Hood

On Tuesday I had my OB appointment (I go every 2 weeks now) and I was again measuring small from the outside so they had me get an ultrasound yesterday to check Lucky's growth.  

The ultrasound went very well.  The tech said she is measuring 4lbs 6 oz (give or take) and passed all the biophysical tests during the ultrasound. While the tech was pushing the wand over my belly, Lucky was pushing back at it - too cute. 

She tried to get a good 3d picture of her face, but Lucky was covering her face with her hands, so no go.  

After my appointment the OB nurse called to let me know that she is still measuring in the 30th percentile (as she was last time we did a growth ultrasound) so they say that is great that she is consistently growing.  

Ever since the second trimester I have felt a little bad that I didn't have the big round belly that most pregnant people have, but I think I am finally at the point where I am happy with my smaller size belly - since it doesn't mean that my baby isn't growing well or anything like that, it is just the way I am carrying.  I will try to appreciate not being huge at this point - and am able to wear some non pregnancy sweaters/shirts!  If people say to me "you look so small" I will just say "yup, I guess I am lucky" and leave it at that!

Monday, October 21, 2013

34 Week Update

I had a butternut squash this week! 

This is me all dressed up and ready to go to my baby shower!

How Far Along: 34 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 12 lbs.  But I will have the official weigh in tomorrow at my OB appointment.  But my bump definitely looks bigger this week!
Maternity Clothes: You bet
 Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: I had a couple nights this week where I just could.not.sleep at all between the hours of 2 am -5 am.  Not cool!
 Best Moment This Week: My baby shower on Sunday!  It wasn’t a surprise, I knew when it would be and where, but I am not a big surprise person to begin with.  My family made it gray and yellow themed with giraffes and elephants – which is our nursery theme!  It was great because I received some gray and yellow themed gifts that will look awesome in the nursery. 
Another great moment this week was that the nursery is pretty much finished.  We finished hanging things on the wall so all I really need to do is get a mattress for the crib, attach the changing top to the dresser when it comes in and stick the giraffe decal to the wall.  I can’t wait to do another update post!

 Miss Anything: No, not really.  At my baby shower on Sunday my mom said to me “I am so happy that you were able to have a baby shower – that you made it to this point” and it made me so thankful for the fact that we are having a baby.  I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Movement: I think I felt her kicking up in my rib cage on my way to work this morning.  I love it when she kicks so hard that my belly bounces!  I am trying to be good about doing “kick counts” but I know what times of the day she is most active and I just make sure that I get a whole bunch of kicks in a row (usually I get some rapid fire) that makes me feel that all is well.
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Only when I eat too much – I get full really quickly now and I need to remember to eat smaller meals more frequently.
Cravings: Nothing that I “have to have” but I did buy some mini white powdered donuts at the supermarket that are fantastic!
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope, I wonder if I will start to get Braxton Hicks soon, so far nothing. 
Symptoms: Itchy belly.  I have definitely been finding it harder to move around – bending over and putting on shoes is more complicated.  It takes me longer to get ready every morning.
Belly Button In or Out: Halfway out in the morning then full out by after dinner time.
Wedding Rings On or Off: On.  No swelling to speak of, unless I am in a very hot room – then my fingers feel a bit pudgy
Feeling: I feel like I have gotten bigger this week, and that makes me happy!  I am starting to feel a little pressure to get all my baby reading in and to get everything organized in the coming weeks.  We are in really good shape prep wise, but I love to have everything together weeks in advance!
Exercise:  Due to my insomnia, my exercising has suffered a bit.  I try to sleep in a little more on nights when I am awake for a while, so I only did weights and squats once last week, and winnie’s walks haven’t been quite as long. 
Looking Forward To: My OB appointment tomorrow

 Next Appointment: October 22nd

Monday, October 14, 2013

33 Week Update

What the heck is During Fruit?

How Far Along: 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 12 lbs.  I gained a decent amount this week – woohoo!  Still feeling really full whenever  I eat much and I don’t have much of an appetite.
Maternity Clothes: You bet
 Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: I had one night this week where I slept straight through until about 5 am and that was glorious!  All the other nights I am up at around 3 am and go downstairs for 30 minutes – 1 hour and then come back up to bed. 
 Best Moment This Week: Seeing Lucky in 3d at the ultrasound!  So cool, I got to see what her face really looks like! We also had an all day birth class on Saturday that I will probably write a separate post about.

 Miss Anything: This week there have been some beautiful fall days and everyone has been out running, so I do miss that.  With the IF treatments making it harder for me to run leading up to getting pregnant, I feel like I haven’t had a good run in quite some time.  DH and I bought a treadmill  yesterday for our house, so we are hoping to use that a lot when Lucky comes and over the winter while we are inside.

Movement: She is usually pretty quiet in the morning, then after lunch she goes nuts and moves my belly all around.  Sometimes it makes me nervous when she doesn’t kick a lot in the morning, but I have to remember that this is normal for her.
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: I felt a bit nauseous yesterday, I am wondering if it is because I had some lemonade that was very acidic. 
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: My belly has been really ichy this week.  I have what I think is some round ligament pains around my lower belly as well.  My blood pressure seemed a little higher at my OB appointment this week, but still in the normal range.
Belly Button In or Out: Halfway out in the morning then full out by after dinner time.
Wedding Rings On or Off: On.
Feeling: At the ultrasound this week the tech measured my fluid levels and they all looked good, but they didn’t measure Lucky’s growth.  Then I went to my OB appointment and they said “you are still measuring small from the outside so we may have you do a growth ultrasound” I felt like saying “well why didn’t you just have them do that this morning!” sheesh!  It is slightly annoying having to schedule a date for an ultrasound and then a separate OB appointment because they are in 2 different offices, but right down the street from each other. But I never can get enough views of our little one, so it isn’t that much trouble!

I am feeling happy that I gained some weight this week – I hope that translates to a nice belly measurement size at my next OB appointment.
Exercise:  Weights/squats and walks.
Looking Forward To: My shower this coming weekend!

 Next Appointment: October 22nd

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

32 Week Update

Please just ignore my whole head in this picture...
How Far Along: 32 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 10-11 lbs.  Still holding steady between 10-11 lbs, but I will get the official number at the doctor’s on thursday
Maternity Clothes: You bet
 Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: Sleep is still tough, especially this week because it is quarter end at work and that is a very busy week for an accountant!  So I get home late, but then can’t sleep because my mind is buzzing.
 Best Moment This Week: Hanging up the mirror in Lucky’s room!  Sure there may be gaping holes behind it…but that mirror will be up forever!
 Miss Anything: I haven’t really missed alcohol much, but getting home after a few long days at work made me crave a nice Dog Fish Head beer.

Movement: Lots of movement, sometimes I think she is either waking me up or keeping me up when I can’t sleep!  I am still waiting to see if I can make out any “body parts” moving beneath my skin, so far nothing. Brian wants to see an outline of a foot J
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope, but my hunger is nowhere to be found.  I have to consciously think of eating or I won’t do it.  I never thought that would happen to me. I figured I would be starving all the time.
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Some light heartburn when I eat then lay down soon after.  Also I  think I have a hemorrhoid, gross.
Belly Button In or Out: It goes outie earlier and earlier in the day…I think soon I will wake up and it will be a permanent outie
Wedding Rings On or Off: On, I have been lucky that nothing seems to have swelled up yet.
Feeling: Despite getting the “you are so small” at least once a day from random people (neighbor, lunch lady, etc) I am feeling pretty good about how things are going. Hopefully things are good at my appointment this week.
Exercise:  Weights/squats and walks!  And I stare envious of runners that go by.
Looking Forward To: Seeing Lucky at the ultrasound on Thursday!  Hopefully she isn’t as wiggly this time so they can get some good shots of her!

 Next Appointment: October 10th