Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ellie is 15 months!

Things are going to start getting weird when I am doing my weekly baby update and my monthly Ellie updates!  Good problem to have I guess :)

Ellie is doing great!  She is walking/running around like a champ.  She likes to climb up stairs (which I let her do with me right behind her) but she has no concept of how to safely get down, which is why we have gates at the top and bottom of the stairs.  

She is a big eater now.  She wants milk and either fruit or cereal right when she wakes up and eats quite a bit throughout the day.  I have still been nursing her before bed each night but last night was the first time I had Brian put her down without me nursing her. She did fine, didn't even notice that she didn't nurse, but today I am feeling it!  I figured since I was only down to 1 feeding per day that I could wean and it wouldn't be an issue, but today might right breast is filling up and quite uncomfortable (this was my bigger producing side).  I may have to express some milk so that I am more comfortable.  Hopefully things will be ok in a few days.  

She is starting to say some *sort of* discernible words such as "more" and definitely has the "up" mastered. We hear "up" about 50 times a day! It is so fun to be able to interpret what she wants/is saying (not that we can do that 100% of the time, but at least we know what she wants maybe 30% of the time).  It still boggles my mind how much she can understand even though she can't say much.  I can say things like "Ellie we are going to put on your coat and hat" and she will go and get her coat and hat and sit down for me to put them on!

She is a very sociable and happy baby.  I take her to a music class one day a week and she loves to walk around the room and visit the teacher and the other kids.  She often leans down and gives out kisses, it is so adorable.  I am getting more and more excited that she will be a big sister because she is just so sweet to everyone.  When I drop her off/pick her up at my mom's house she gives hugs and kisses to both my mom and my 92 year old grandpa before she leaves and he just melts over her.  

February has been a rough month in New England, it has been one of (if not the most) coldest and snowiest winters ever.  I still try to get out and do errands and trips, but with all the snow I feel so trapped inside.  I long for the days when I will be able to take Winnie and Ellie out for stroller rides and get fresh air!  This past weekend it hit about 38/39 degrees and it felt like a heat wave!  Crazy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

8 Weeks

Just wanted to check in and jot down what is going on with baby #2.  I am 8 weeks today!  

When I was pregnant with Ellie I was nervous because I didn't "feel pregnant" for most of my first trimester.  Seems to be pretty different this time around and I am "feeling" it a lot more.  Symptoms currently include:

Sore Breasts
Unable to sleep at night
Nausea (only vomited once though)
Crazy dreams

Nothing is too excessive though, overall I feel pretty good.  Being pregnant with a toddler certainly is a challenge though...I miss the weekends just being able to laze about and watch a movie like I did when I was pregnant with Ellie.  I am really tired during the day, but then at night I can't sleep.  It is very frustrating. 

Brian and I told my mom last week.  We put Ellie in a "big sister" shirt and took her over to my mom's house.  My mom saw the shirt pretty quickly and said "are you trying to tell me something" and we were like "um yup."  She was definitely surprised and excited.  She is most likely the only person we will tell until the second trimester.  It feels good to have one more person know though!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Yesterday I had my OB appointment.  It went well and I was able to convince the NP that I needed a dating ultrasound because using my period date would make my due date way off.  

I had the ultrasound today (my first date with the dildo cam in quite some time) and it showed a nice little baby in there about 6 weeks along.  I heard the heartbeat :)  I think this puts my due date at late September.  

So without further ado, here is baby #2!
She looks like her sister at this age :)

I have been feeling pretty tired the past week and have had some sour stomach but no throwing up.  If I am at home I try to take a nap while Ellie takes her afternoon nap, but I have never been a great napper so I usually only get about 15 minutes in.  

We haven't told anyone yet, but we will probably tell my mom in a week or so.  My in laws are coming to visit this weekend and it will be tricky to make sure they don't find out (I think Brian will pour me a glass of wine or something).  His mom isn't the best with secrets so we aren't comfortable telling them just yet. 

Brian and I still can't believe we are having another baby.  I can't believe how lucky we are again, I am just so thrilled.