Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Yesterday I had my OB appointment.  It went well and I was able to convince the NP that I needed a dating ultrasound because using my period date would make my due date way off.  

I had the ultrasound today (my first date with the dildo cam in quite some time) and it showed a nice little baby in there about 6 weeks along.  I heard the heartbeat :)  I think this puts my due date at late September.  

So without further ado, here is baby #2!
She looks like her sister at this age :)

I have been feeling pretty tired the past week and have had some sour stomach but no throwing up.  If I am at home I try to take a nap while Ellie takes her afternoon nap, but I have never been a great napper so I usually only get about 15 minutes in.  

We haven't told anyone yet, but we will probably tell my mom in a week or so.  My in laws are coming to visit this weekend and it will be tricky to make sure they don't find out (I think Brian will pour me a glass of wine or something).  His mom isn't the best with secrets so we aren't comfortable telling them just yet. 

Brian and I still can't believe we are having another baby.  I can't believe how lucky we are again, I am just so thrilled. 


  1. So glad to hear your appointment went well :-) I hope to follow your lead soon!

  2. Look at the little peanut! So exciting to hear the HB. And September is such a great birth month - think of all the pretty colors! Glad to hear all is well.

    1. Thanks Krystal! I am so happy that Baby C is still baking away in you!

  3. I'm so so happy for you :-D Yay 6 weeks and a great U/S! Welcome back to the dildo cam, haha! Sounds like you are having an intuition that it might be a girl??

    1. Ha I didn't even notice I called the baby "her" I guess that is what I am used to! A little sister for Ellie would be nice though!
