Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Folks have told me that the few postpartum periods are a bit wonky and I am definitely experiencing that.  I am currently on CD45 with no period in sight and several negative pregnancy tests in my trash.  I try not to test more than once a week.  

I am sure the fact that I am still nursing Ellie twice a day doesn't help with my period becoming normal but I was really hoping that I could keep nursing her a few times a day and my cycle would normalize, but I think I may have to wean her all together for a chance at "normalcy."  

I didn't think Ellie was as attached to nursing as she is because she has never really "asked" for it as I hear that other babies do, but recently this week we brought her into our bed after she woke up in the morning (when I usually nurse her first thing) and she started crying and fussing and pulling at my shirt when I didn't nurse her right away.  So I guess she is still very much into it.  I am still very torn about weaning and I wish I didn't feel the pressure to do it so that we could get back on the trying to get pregnant track, but I fear it will take a while to get pregnant again so I don't want to delay.  

Here is a picture of the cutie with her furry boots!


  1. I actually just went to a breastfeeding class last night and the lactation consult talked about how some people use breastfeeding as birth control - but that it only works about 75% of the time. So you can definitely still get pregnant while breastfeeding! I think it is so great that you still BF. I hope I can go that long! Best wishes, mama - I know waiting for a positive test is hard.

  2. Argh, that must be frustrating waiting for your cycle to regulate :-( I will hope you're in the 25% category!
