Tuesday, December 2, 2014

She's Baaaaaack

Something surprising happened yesterday.  I got my period.  This is surprising because:
A) I am still nursing Ellie about 4 times a day
B) Without medication I haven't gotten my period on my own in about 14 years. 

So you can imagine my surprise and also excitement.  I am trying not to get too excited thinking that having Ellie "fixed" me and my problems (annovulatory PCOS) but this is definitely a good thing.  I actually logged into my Fertility Friend account on my phone and started a "cycle" wow, that is so weird to say.  I might be cycling.  I know getting my period doesn't necessarily equate to ovulating but at least it is a step in the right direction.  The idea of possibly conceiving another child without having to go back to the RE is exciting, but I am trying not to get too ahead of myself.  


  1. Eeeeeee!!! This will not help with you trying not to get your hopes up but: being pregnant with Petey "fixed" my anovulatory PCOS. I started getting regular periods again (long but regular) and we got PG this time though JUST TI.... just sayin'! I'm excited for you!! (Also, hang in there - I hear PP periods can be BAD.)

    1. And by "I started getting regular periods again" I mean: I started getting regular periods FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.
      Sorry, I'm not helping.

    2. Haha it is ok Chickie, get my hopes up! I love to hear your story!

      So far the PP period isn't terrible...although I worry about it going on forever like yours, but I am sure I can deal with it since I am so excited to have it :)

  2. I have annovulatory PCOS as well! My RE nurse told me that they have a ton of patients who use them once and never have to come back again... once they get pregnant, they find it easier the second time around. Like Chickin said, this won't help you in trying not to get your hopes up, but I thought I would share!

    1. You guys are killing me! Ha jk. I love to hear stories of people having it easier the second time. It makes me think of a quote from one of my favorite movies (and if you can guess the movie you score points):
      "Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. "

    2. Shawshank! My husband loves that movie.

    3. Um, only the best movie ever made. :-)

    4. Umm Krystal....what do you mean "my husband loves that movie" that should read "I love that movie" :)

      Chickie, I concur!

    5. HAHAHAHAHA I just saw these replies now. I am cracking up!

  3. I think this is great news and should give you hope for sure :)
