Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rolling Along


So according to fertility friend I ovulated on CD19, but I don't actually put much stock into that mostly because the temp shift hasn't been too great and my temp hasn't been elevated for too long.  Not sure how good our timing was if I actually did ovulate - looks like we hit 0-2 that that isn't too terrible. 

Other than that, not much to report.  My cousin who just had the baby wants to go out to dinner with me and my other cousin (who has a 4 month old).  They aren't bringing the babies and I figured this would be a good time to tell them both about our IF struggles.  I sort of hinted to my cousin that I "had some stuff I could talk to them about" but she probably thinks I am pregnant and want to ask them pregnancy/baby questions.  I am wondering how to ease this into the conversation.  I might just blurt it out when they ask "how have you been" or "what's new with you."  I just hope I can hold it together.  Telling two new moms about our IF struggle may not be as smooth a conversation as I hope, but as long as they are supportive and don't brush off our struggle then I will be happy. 

In other news the in-laws are coming up for a visit this weekend.  This is the first time we will see them since DH told them about our IF a couple of weeks ago.  I don't think it will be a main topic of conversation unless we bring it up, but it is sort of like a white elephant in the room.  



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks Colleen! I updated it - got to keep my anonymity!
