Monday, October 28, 2013

35 Week Update

I have reached the 35/35 milestone!  I think the only big milestone left is reaching full term at 37 weeks, woohoo!

How Far Along: 35 weeks/35 Days!
Total Weight Gain: 13 lbs.  I feel like the bump is looking really solid this week!
Maternity Clothes: You bet
 Stretch Marks: Nope, but I have noticed the skin over my belly is becoming very taught – not sure if this means stretch marks are around the corner!
Sleep: I had some really good nights sleep over the weekend, it was glorious.  Last night I, of course, started to stress about work and it wasn’t a good night’s sleep.
 Best Moment This Week: Seeing Lucky at my ultrasound and the OB saying she is still growing on track and all is looking good!  She looked to be about 4 lbs 6 oz last week!  Brian and I went to buy some additional baby items on Friday – car seat, etc, so it feels good to have those things at home!

 Miss Anything: I wouldn’t say I miss being able to put my shoes & sox on easily, but I do find I grunt a lot more when doing this task!

Movement: Big movements in the afternoon and evenings most days, Brian has been shocked at how big the movements are in there!
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Every now and then I feel like I have an upset tummy, but nothing major.  Still not interested in eating too much, but trying to make good choices with the foods that I get in.
Cravings: Milk – I have been drinking so much milk lately!
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope, I wonder if I will start to get Braxton Hicks soon, so far nothing. 
Symptoms: Itchy belly, restless legs.  I find I am not comfortable in any position for all that long.
Belly Button In or Out: I can see it poking through the tighter shirts that I wear now.
Wedding Rings On or Off: On
Feeling: I have been feeling really great since the growth ultrasound last week – I love seeing baby Lucky and hearing that she is growing and moving around as she should – it definitely puts my nerves at ease. 
Exercise:  I have started slacking on my weights and squats – I need to make sure I get them in 2 x’s per week!  But I still climb the stairs at work to get to the 4th floor, so that is good for the legs!  I was out raking a bit with Brian this weekend – so hopefully that counts as well! 
Looking Forward To: Getting some stuff off my plate at work!

 Next Appointment: November 5th


  1. Yay for 35/35!! You look great and it sounds like you are feeling great too! Not much longer mama!!

  2. So glad you're feeling good! I love that you spelled "socks" as "sox" - you must have had the World Series on your mind :-)

    1. haha it is funny you noticed that! The Red Sox were definitely on my mind this week as I bet they were on yours too!
