Monday, October 21, 2013

34 Week Update

I had a butternut squash this week! 

This is me all dressed up and ready to go to my baby shower!

How Far Along: 34 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 12 lbs.  But I will have the official weigh in tomorrow at my OB appointment.  But my bump definitely looks bigger this week!
Maternity Clothes: You bet
 Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: I had a couple nights this week where I just could.not.sleep at all between the hours of 2 am -5 am.  Not cool!
 Best Moment This Week: My baby shower on Sunday!  It wasn’t a surprise, I knew when it would be and where, but I am not a big surprise person to begin with.  My family made it gray and yellow themed with giraffes and elephants – which is our nursery theme!  It was great because I received some gray and yellow themed gifts that will look awesome in the nursery. 
Another great moment this week was that the nursery is pretty much finished.  We finished hanging things on the wall so all I really need to do is get a mattress for the crib, attach the changing top to the dresser when it comes in and stick the giraffe decal to the wall.  I can’t wait to do another update post!

 Miss Anything: No, not really.  At my baby shower on Sunday my mom said to me “I am so happy that you were able to have a baby shower – that you made it to this point” and it made me so thankful for the fact that we are having a baby.  I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Movement: I think I felt her kicking up in my rib cage on my way to work this morning.  I love it when she kicks so hard that my belly bounces!  I am trying to be good about doing “kick counts” but I know what times of the day she is most active and I just make sure that I get a whole bunch of kicks in a row (usually I get some rapid fire) that makes me feel that all is well.
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Only when I eat too much – I get full really quickly now and I need to remember to eat smaller meals more frequently.
Cravings: Nothing that I “have to have” but I did buy some mini white powdered donuts at the supermarket that are fantastic!
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope, I wonder if I will start to get Braxton Hicks soon, so far nothing. 
Symptoms: Itchy belly.  I have definitely been finding it harder to move around – bending over and putting on shoes is more complicated.  It takes me longer to get ready every morning.
Belly Button In or Out: Halfway out in the morning then full out by after dinner time.
Wedding Rings On or Off: On.  No swelling to speak of, unless I am in a very hot room – then my fingers feel a bit pudgy
Feeling: I feel like I have gotten bigger this week, and that makes me happy!  I am starting to feel a little pressure to get all my baby reading in and to get everything organized in the coming weeks.  We are in really good shape prep wise, but I love to have everything together weeks in advance!
Exercise:  Due to my insomnia, my exercising has suffered a bit.  I try to sleep in a little more on nights when I am awake for a while, so I only did weights and squats once last week, and winnie’s walks haven’t been quite as long. 
Looking Forward To: My OB appointment tomorrow

 Next Appointment: October 22nd


  1. So glad to hear your shower went well, you look great!! Even though it's very early on for me the only thing that ALWAYS sounds good are sweets which I know is not a good thing lol

  2. I realize I'm overly emotional right now but seeing how beautiful you look made me tear up! I can't believe you've got a butternut squash in there!! I'm so glad your pregnancy has been happy and healthy thus far and that you had a nice shower.

    1. Aww thanks Chickie! It amazes me how far I have come, I am so very thankful!
