Monday, October 14, 2013

33 Week Update

What the heck is During Fruit?

How Far Along: 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 12 lbs.  I gained a decent amount this week – woohoo!  Still feeling really full whenever  I eat much and I don’t have much of an appetite.
Maternity Clothes: You bet
 Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: I had one night this week where I slept straight through until about 5 am and that was glorious!  All the other nights I am up at around 3 am and go downstairs for 30 minutes – 1 hour and then come back up to bed. 
 Best Moment This Week: Seeing Lucky in 3d at the ultrasound!  So cool, I got to see what her face really looks like! We also had an all day birth class on Saturday that I will probably write a separate post about.

 Miss Anything: This week there have been some beautiful fall days and everyone has been out running, so I do miss that.  With the IF treatments making it harder for me to run leading up to getting pregnant, I feel like I haven’t had a good run in quite some time.  DH and I bought a treadmill  yesterday for our house, so we are hoping to use that a lot when Lucky comes and over the winter while we are inside.

Movement: She is usually pretty quiet in the morning, then after lunch she goes nuts and moves my belly all around.  Sometimes it makes me nervous when she doesn’t kick a lot in the morning, but I have to remember that this is normal for her.
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: I felt a bit nauseous yesterday, I am wondering if it is because I had some lemonade that was very acidic. 
Gender: GIRL! 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: My belly has been really ichy this week.  I have what I think is some round ligament pains around my lower belly as well.  My blood pressure seemed a little higher at my OB appointment this week, but still in the normal range.
Belly Button In or Out: Halfway out in the morning then full out by after dinner time.
Wedding Rings On or Off: On.
Feeling: At the ultrasound this week the tech measured my fluid levels and they all looked good, but they didn’t measure Lucky’s growth.  Then I went to my OB appointment and they said “you are still measuring small from the outside so we may have you do a growth ultrasound” I felt like saying “well why didn’t you just have them do that this morning!” sheesh!  It is slightly annoying having to schedule a date for an ultrasound and then a separate OB appointment because they are in 2 different offices, but right down the street from each other. But I never can get enough views of our little one, so it isn’t that much trouble!

I am feeling happy that I gained some weight this week – I hope that translates to a nice belly measurement size at my next OB appointment.
Exercise:  Weights/squats and walks.
Looking Forward To: My shower this coming weekend!

 Next Appointment: October 22nd


  1. I know you said people were mentioning you looked small but in this photo you look just right :) Glad to hear everything is going well so far and glad you got to see your little one on the 3D!

    1. Thank you Amie! Maybe I am finally hitting my "big belly" point!
