Tuesday, July 23, 2013

21 Week Update

Not sure why I am weirdly looking into space in this picture!

How Far Along: 21 weeks
Total Weight Gain: I didn’t weight myself this week, but I feel like I am probably up about 5 lbs or maybe more.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, but still wearing a lot of my own shirts with maternity ones in there too
 Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: The only thing that has really vexed me with this pregnancy so far is the sleep.  The past week especially.  DH is doing his ironman triathlon this weekend, so sleep is important, but this week is when my insomnia has really kicked in.  I keep waking up at 2ish and that wakes him up and then we both can’t get back to sleep.  I am seriously considering sleeping in the guest room so I stop waking him up. 
Best Moment This Week: My cousin dropped off some newborn and 3-6 month clothes that her 9 month old has outgrown.  I am excited to go through the clothes, hand me downs are awesome!
 Miss Anything: Not being able to sleep through the night
Movement: I have been feeling some kicks every now and then.  They are not always the same or in the same place, but I am pretty sure they are all movement of some sort!
Food Cravings: Earlier in the week it was salty – cape cod potato chips specifically.  I am a bit surprised that my appetite hasn’t seemed to increase much.  I am not sure if it has been the heat this week (it was over 90 for like 5 days straight) or what but I am not any hungrier than I used to be pre-pregnancy. 
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope.
Gender: GIRL!  So DH and I were in Babies R Us on Saturday getting the lay of the land before we begin the registry process in a few weeks and I said to him “why don’t we buy an outfit for baby lucky”  well we walked into the girls clothing section and could not find 1 outfit we wanted to get her.  I think it is because we aren’t big pink frilly people.  We ended up buying gender neutral hats (green, yellow with turtles) because it was the only thing we liked that would work for a girl…this may be a problem!  Ha good thing my cousin dropped off all those girl clothes for us1
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Insomnia, peeing a lot.  On the bright side, my skin has been looking really good lately!  The first tri it was an eyesore but now it actually looks good!
Belly Button In or Out: In 
Wedding Rings On or Off: On 
Feeling We went on a “fact finding mission” on Saturday and hit up 3 stores.  The focus was on cribs, strollers and a rocker.  It went pretty well and I think we decided on a stroller. I am still pretty hesitant to pull the trigger on any big purchases, but I think we are going to have to do that soon if we want time to set up the nursery.
Exercise: It was SO HOT this week!  Like I would go outside at 6:30 am and it was already nearing 80 degrees and humid.  So needless to say the running was just not going to happen.  I still managed to get out for a lot of walks this week, and did my weights, but it wasn’t as good as usual.  Luckily this morning was in the low 70’s so I went for a run on my own and was able to do the whole thing (except I walked up the big hill). 
Looking Forward To: Brian’s Ironman this coming weekend up in Lake Placid!  His sister and dad are coming up from PA and I haven’t seen his dad since I was 12 weeks and haven’t seen his sister since I have been pregnant.  Brian said to me that he thought I would look more pregnant at the time of the ironman, and I thought the same thing.  I expected to be noticeably pregnant and had this thought in my head of cheering him on with a nice belly.  Well unless I “pop” this week I may just look like his cheering wife that had a big lunch, ha!  I will have to find a shirt/pants combo that makes me look visibly pregnant.

Next Appointment: August 7th


  1. Yay! You look great, and I know I'm SO late on this, but CONGRATS on team pink! I'm so excited for you!!

  2. Have a great weekend cheering the Hubby on and good luck to him!

  3. Look at that cute little bump! I've been following along with your blog each week but for some reason I can't believe you're already 21 weeks!
