Sunday, July 7, 2013

18 Weeks Update

I had to switch my normal picture taking wall because I couldn't deal with the red in our dining room anymore!

How Far Along: 18 weeks
Total Weight Gain: I haven't weighed myself recently, but I was 4 lbs last week.  I will update after doctor's appointment.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants - yes, some maternity shirts now, but mostly regular shirts that are long. I have been wearing a lot of skirts with elastic bands, but I never know whether I should put the waist right over my belly or right under it...both feel weird.
 Stretch Marks: Nope
Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty well this past week!  Still getting up to pee at least once between 2-4 am, but I am able to get back to sleep after.
Best Moment This Week: NBR, but my mom's offer on a house got accepted!  And the house is 2 blocks from our house!  Since she will be watching Lucky 3 days a week this will be really convenient for everyone!
 Miss Anything: nope
Movement: I was a little sad (and nervous) that I didn't feel Lucky move this week nearly as much as I did last week.  I am not sure if this because of where Lucky was positioned or because I was moving around more this week than last week, but I really hope the movements pick up more because it makes me really nervous. 
Food Cravings: Same as last week - Soft serve ice cream and popsicles!
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope.
Gender: July 9th!  Ahh 2 more days, I can hardly believe it!  Look for a reveal post this week!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: It has been 90+ degrees here all week and I can't handle the heat very well.  I don't handle heat very well normally, but now it is unbearable. 
Belly Button In or Out: In 
Wedding Rings On or Off: On 
Feeling: When I started to write "18 weeks" on my chalkboard today I had to pause for a moment.  I couldn't believe that I am 18 weeks pregnant.  It just boggles my mind.  I remember going through treatments and seeing people's blogs that were 18 weeks and thought it was such a distant dream, and here I am, wow, just wow. 
Exercise: Exercise has taken a bit of a hit this week with the weather.  I can barely go for long walks in this weather let alone run.  I am hoping the heat breaks a bit so I can get back into it a bit.  For now I will keep up with the weight lifting and walking.
Looking Forward To: The anatomy scan on Tuesday! I can't believe that Lucky will be revealed to be either a boy or a girl this week, I have always just thought of Lucky as "baby" with no specific sex. 
Next Appointment: July 9th


  1. Love the new background! Can't wait until you find out the sex tomorrow!!

  2. The new background is great and I'm so excited to hear the gender!!

  3. You look awesome and I can't wait to hear if its a boy or a girl!!!!!
