Tonight will be my last night of Clomid and tomorrow I will
give myself the Follistim injection of 150 IU’s. I watched the video on how to prep the pen
and administer the correct amount of medication and it looks pretty easy. I am very interested in what my monitoring
appointment on CD10 shows after using the Follistim on CD8. Usually I have a
follicle or 2 at 16-19 mm at my CD12 monitoring while on just Clomid 150
mg. I am hoping the inject gives me a
It feels like the Clomid is starting to work its magic
because at the gym today I started to feel crampy in my ovaries after a
while. I was on the elliptical so it
wasn’t too bad, but this probably means running won’t be too comfortable if I try
it this week. No hot flashes yet! And my mood has been pretty upbeat since the
weekend. Hopefully this stretch
Good luck! FX for a great monitoring appt!